We are seeking a full-time Faith Formation Coordinator. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to pastor.gretchen@ourredeemers.net. The job description is as follows:
Faith Formation Coordinator
Job Description
You will oversee an intergenerational ministry to instill in children and families the pillars of faith found in our baptismal promises:
- To live among God’s faithful people;
- Hear God’s Word and share God’s supper;
- Proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and life;
- Serve all people, following the example of our Lord Jesus;
- To strive for justice and peace in all the earth.
You will work with staff and other committees to continually advocate and foster a church environment that is welcoming and supportive of children and families.
You will work to develop relationships with children and their families, youth and young adults to better respond to the changing needs and ministry opportunities within this community.
Children and Family – Preschool – Grade 6
- Children’s Ministries: Organize, recruit volunteers, and coordinate the following:
- Sunday Mornings: “Kids’ Church” for Grades K-5, Preschool “Sprouts” class, and 6th grade “Connect” class.
- Coordinate family volunteers to serve in worship roles on the second Sunday of the month.
- Organize annual Christmas Pageant and Easter Vigil storytelling.
- Organize other kid-focused activities: family movie nights, Easter egg hunt, retreats, service projects, etc.
- Vacation Bible School: organize, coordinate, and lead faith formation camps and events.
- Nursery Attendants: recruit, hire, and supervise all paid and volunteer helpers.
- Family Ministry: Provide additional activities for families to strengthen the faith of children ages 0-18. Work with pastors to connect families with baptism, Bible, and communion opportunities.
Youth Group – Grades 7-12
- Confirmation Program: Curriculum development, Sunday morning workshops and check- ins, faith visits, retreats, service projects, annual Affirmation of Baptism and Confirmation service and celebration, and other fun events
- High School: Sunday morning gathering, mission trip, service, worship, faith formation camps, retreats, and fun events.
- Engage youth from the community who are not already part of Our Redeemer’s.
Young Adults – 18 and up
- Develop a ministry that fosters transformative spirituality and builds community for younger adults, with a focus particularly suited to the challenges of this age.
- Connect young adults with ministries in our church that fit their passions and gifts.
- Support young adults’ new ideas and passions for ministry.
- Lively trust, faith and joy in God grounded in a Lutheran perspective.
- Love for God’s church, God’s people and the gospel, with a heart for including people in God’s community.
- Experience working with children, youth, and young adults; building community among and between diverse people of all ages.
- Training in faith formation; related educational background a plus.
- Understand and enjoy working both as part of a team and independently.
- Experience developing and recruiting teams; inspiring and organizing leaders.
- Open-minded leadership style, creative and positively persistent.
- Have a valid driver’s license and be insurable.
Time Commitment: Full Time
Compensation: $35,000 – $38,000