Our Redeemer's Blog

Ballard Sunday Dinner Summer Needs

Sign up (https://rb.gy/ea817) for June 18, July 16, or August 20. Reach out to Amy Borgmeyer (amy.borgmeyer@gmail.com) if you have any questions. Thank you for all that you do!

Ballard Sunday Dinner (BSD) takes place on the third Sunday of each month at Ballard First Lutheran Church. This summer we want to make sure we have enough volunteers lined up to help out throughout June, July, and August.

The roles are:

Early lead is straight forward – planning the meal and leading the volunteers through cooking and plating. 

Late lead focuses on making sure everyone is served and the kitchen and hall are cleaned up afterwards. 

All the roles have lots of availability – we’ll partner up with you until you’re comfortable. Please sign up or inquire about how you can help out!