Sundays, 10 AM | Our Redeemer’s
February 5 – The Transition Team will offer updates and receive feedback on the transition process. All are invited to come and be a part of the conversation.
February 12 & 19 – Deepening Our Callings: Listening for an Ear Toward God
For the next two Sundays, Feb. 12 and 19, we will explore together how we attune our ears and hearts to listening to God. We will delve into Scripture, and explore through the lens of our experiences to seek God’s presence and movement among us.
February 25 & 26 – The Racial Justice Team presents Palestinian Pilgrimage: Encounters with Palestinian Places and People Suffering under Occupation. This event will feature a pictorial tour of Israel and the West Bank from Dana and Judy Wright’s recent pilgrimage there. They will show photos of Palestinian Jews, Christians, and Muslims from Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Hebron, the desert, the Dead Sea, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, and more. Learn what Palestinians say about their lives under the punitive occupation of Israel, and how they are seeking reconciliation and healing with Israel. This “tour” will give you a chance to hear voices from people whose concerns don’t often get publicized accurately in the United States.
There are two parts to this event: Saturday, February 25, 9:00 am to 12 noon: The pictorial tour of Israel/Palestine/West Bank, featuring commentary by Rev. Charlie Lewis, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Snohomish. Charlie is a long-time student of the plight of Palestinians and has developed many personal relationships with the people featured in the pictorial pilgrimage. Sunday, February 26: Both services, 9:00 am and 11:00 am will feature sermons by Rev. Charlie Lewis. A short film will be shown at 10:00 am.