Sundays April 18 through June 13, 1:00 – 2:30 PM (New Time!)
Passcode “Adult” Meeting ID: 945 4145 3039
Zoom Link
Taught by Dr. Judy Stack
Do I Really Want to Read The Bible?
• Ancient. Confusing.
• Some parts so offensive.
• I’m not a Bible scholar! I don’t want to be one.
• So much WORK to understand it!
But What If…
• …I were confident about reading it for myself?
• … I picked it up found and I was surprised?
• Intrigued?
• Touched?
• …I found it speaking into my own life?
Does any of this resonate for you?
Then, come! Learn how to enjoy curiously exploring the Bible. Come, whether you’re a seasoned reader, or just beginning. Discover how scripture opens up who God is for you, and opens your eyes to where God is moving in today’s changing, challenging world.
How Do I Read the Bible doesn’t aim to give you a huge amount of information ABOUT the Bible. It will help you read the Bible confidently for yourself, and with others. We will take the Bible off the shelf, out of the classroom, and put it in YOUR hands, your life…connecting with God’s living grace for you.
This 8-week course is an invitation to come and curiously explore the Bible. Professor Judy Stack zooms in with years of experience and passion to help us all discover, hear, and be blessed directly by the Bible.
All classes start April 18th on Sunday afternoons, 1:00-2:30pm (this is a new time for the Adult Forums).
HOW DO I READ THE BIBLE? Schedule of Topics/Readings
Week 1 (April 18): Made in God’s image: created to care for the world (Genesis 1-3)
Week 2 (April 25): Called into the unknown to be a blessing (Abraham and the Forbearers, Genesis 12-50
Week 3 (May 2): Being the people of the God who is “I AM” (Exodus 1-20)
Week 4 (May 9): A people established and addressed: struggling with “chosenness” and God’s challenge to be faithful (the Kings and Prophets)
Week 5 (May 16): Jesus comes to initiate the Reign of God (Gospel of Matthew)
Week 6 (May 23): Jesus shows us who God is (Gospel of John)
Week 7 (June 6): The work of Jesus frees and unites those who were divided (Book of Acts and Letters of Paul)
Week 8 (June 13): God’s triumph over evil and death to renew the creation and reign (Book of Revelation)
Dr. Judy Stack has worked as a faith formation, and outreach specialist in Episcopal and Lutheran congregations, with an emphasis on how the Bible creates space for conversations that are cross-cultural and cross-experiential, and lead to deepened faith and discipleship. Her approach is imaginative, inviting and engaging. She holds a PhD in New Testament from Princeton Theological Seminary and has taught Bible at the undergraduate and masters levels for over a decade. She loves dancing, classic movies, and is an avid fan of art museums.