by Carolyn Swanson
New Exciting News from Old Wednesday’s Bible Study
Wednesdays, 10:30am – noon
In this case “old” doesn’t mean boring; however, “new” does mean exciting. Beginning Wednesday, February 24th, at 10:30am, we will begin a great course study, The History and Archaeology of the Bible.
It is presented by National Geographic Historian Jean-Pierre Isbouts, DLitt: Jean-Pierre Isbouts is a National Geographic Historian and a member of the Doctoral Faculty in the School of Leadership Studies at Fielding Graduate University. He earned his D.Litt. at Leiden University
These are the places we will visit:
1 The World of Genesis
2 The Tower of Babel
3 The Journeys of Abraham
4 Joseph in Egypt
5 The Story of Moses
6 The Mystery of the Exodus
7 The Settlement in the Promised Land
8 The Rise of the Israelite Monarchy
9 The Kingdom of David
10 The Temple of Solomon
11 The Northern Kingdom of Israel
12 The Rise of Assyria
13 The Rise and Fall of Judah
14 The Persian Era
15 The Empire of Alexander the Great
16 Judea in the Early Roman Empire
17 The Kingdom of Herod the Great
18 The World of the Gospels
19 The Birth of Jesus
20 Young Jesus
21 Jesus and John the Baptist.
22 The Ministry of Jesus
23 The Passover Events in Jerusalem
24 The Rise of Christianity
This course offers an in-depth overview of the most important archaeological discoveries related to stories in the Bible, from Genesis to the Gospels. These biblical stories did not originate in a vacuum; each volume emerged in a specific time and place, within a distinct social, cultural, and literary milieu. In the process, these stories were shaped by the most powerful civilizations of their time: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and imperial Rome. By traveling through the world of the Bible, we truly follow the full arc of ancient civilization.
Each lesson is devoted to a particular division or book in the Judeo-Christian Bible. This course is deliberately presented from a nondenominational perspective and is accessible to everyone. It does not conform to any particular theological orientation but treats the biblical texts as historical documents. This is also true for the question of whether the figures of the Bible were historical characters, or whether some stories are rooted in myth or biblical legend. No scholar will ever question the Bible’s moral and religious significance, but many have challenged the Bible as a reliable source of historical information. This course takes no position in the debate. It treats every biblical story as a valued conveyor of meaning, regardless of its putative historicity. Each lesson looks for parallels between the biblical stories and historical sources, including evidence of ancient cities and monuments as well as tablets, letters, and works of art.
The course will be on Zoom. The screen literally will fill up with images and script. You will not want to miss it. Hop into the series anytime.
Questions? Carolyn Swanson, cdkswan@gmail.com
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92147960020?pwd=NE9QTlQxNDNhUVFaUHdlSkJudi9Gdz09
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Meeting ID: 921 4796 0020
Passcode: bible