Our Redeemer's Blog

The 5 W’s on Ballard Sunday Dinner


Ballard Sunday Dinner is a neighborhood effort we’re proud to be a part of, organized by five area churches along with Sustainable Ballard, with each church taking responsibility for one Sunday a month. Ballard Sunday Dinner provides a hot, wholesome meal every Sunday evening from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Ballard First Lutheran Church. Our Redeemer’s hosts once monthly on the third Sunday of each month.


Former volunteers, when asked why they volunteer at the Ballard Sunday Dinner, responded:

“I believe every person has the right to eat healthy food. Jesus fed people who were hungry. When I eat, I give thanks to God. Everyone should have that option.  I helped one time so far at the Ballard Sunday Dinner. I met such friendly, and good-natured people who were also helping. Washing dishes was a fun experience.”

“I remember a woman with tears in her eyes sitting at a table. I went over to her and asked if I can give her a hug. She said she needed a hug and was so grateful for a place to come in out of the rainy weather and share a hot meal. Almost everyone makes a point of saying thank you. “

Also, as followers of Jesus, we have an opportunity to heed his example and instruction:

Matthew 25: 37-40

37 Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ 40 And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’


People experiencing hunger and homelessness eat a hot, fresh cooked meal.

You volunteer to make this happen!

If you’d like to volunteer we’re always looking to fill volunteer slots for the Ballard Sunday Dinner – Leads, cooks, servers, and clean up crew.

Over the next few months we’re looking for some new folks to join the “Lead” team. Leads work in teams of two, and if we build up the team to a healthy level Leads will only serve in this position every 3 or 4 months.

The role of the Lead includes

  • planning the meal (there are sample meals and recipes to select from!)
  • purchasing ingredients
  • making a plan for how to prepare the meal
  • directing the cooking crew volunteers
  • eating with our guests, and taking a turn at serving during the one hour.

Everyone who has served as a Lead says it is a very, very rewarding role to take on.  We’ll be pairing new “Junior” Leads with more experienced leads for their first few times so that all Leads feel confident in their role. “Many hands make light work”. Please join this Lead team and help spread the work out to a manageable, sustainable level!


Ballard First Lutheran Church (2006 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA 98117).


The third Sunday of each month – this month it’s July 16th. There are volunteer shifts available starting at 2pm and shifts available starting at 5pm.

Please let Cara Kiggins (outreach@ourredeemers.net) know if you’re interested in learning more or simply go to the sign-up page to sign up for a volunteer position!

written by Cara Kiggins