Our Redeemer's Blog

Welcoming Wisdom is Back!

by Julie Vannoy

Sunday, August 21, 11:00 AM | Our Redeemer’s

We plan to be back together again for Welcoming Wisdom 2022!

It’s been two years since we’ve been able to be together to celebrate those in our congregation who are “the older and wiser” – those with 80+ years under their belts. So very many experiences and so much wisdom to celebrate and share! 

Plans are currently underway to be able to reconvene this August, get reacquainted in person, and to celebrate together! All are invited to a light lunch after our 10:00 am service on Sunday, August 21st to eat, enjoy some laughter, music, and time together. 

Note: Sometimes people get confused and think the brunch is only for our elderly population. That is far from the truth! It isn’t any fun to be especially honored if there is no one there to do the honoring… Our Welcoming Wisdom event is for everyone! 

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