Our Redeemer's Blog

“The Journey” Starts September 22nd

Sundays, September 22 – October 20, 4-6 PM

The Journey is a class and a conversation, a chance to ask questions and learn more about what being Lutheran means. Classes will be held on Sunday evenings between September 22nd and October 20th. Participants meet in large and small group settings on five Sunday evenings. After completion you are invited to become official members of Our Redeemer’s on All Saints’ Sunday (November 3rd), as the participants feel called by the Holy Spirit.

Each week of The Journey, we focus on a different area of ministry, theology, and growth as people of faith. From the basics of how Lutherans interpret scripture and why we worship the way we do, to an introspective look at our individual faith stories, this experience presents an opportunity to explore our community from the ground up. We also invite members currently representing different areas of ministry of the congregation to share what they do, what excites them about their lay ministry, and how you can participate. 

For further details, please contact Pastor Thomas pastorthomas@ourredeemers.net or Mandy Neill welcome@ourredeemers.net.

Whether or not a person decides to become a member of Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church at the end of The Journey, it’s a wonderful way to become more fully aware and engaged in the life of this congregation. If you are a member or have been attending Our Redeemer’s a long time and you have never gone through The Journey, you are invited and encouraged to participate. You will love it!