God’s will for all is wholeness and health in body, mind and spirit. So we pray for healing of physical ailments, as well as for healing in the midst of conflicts, emotional stress and struggle.
is based on the following convictions:
God’s intentional will for all persons is wholeness
and health in body, mind and spirit.
The total life of the congregation—in all of its
functions—is to be health-producing.
As Christians, we have a responsibility for a
lifestyle of health in body, mind and spirit.
The Service of the Word for Healing symbolizes the
fact that all worship events of the Church
should be experiences of healing in some form.
Prayers and concerns for cure from illness is always
consistent with the will of God.
We pray for the cure of illness without reservation,
qualification or condition, at the same time
knowing that not all illness is cured.
All persons may be healed (made whole),
but not all may be cured.
We cannot explain in rational terms why there is
illness other than to recognize that
we are imperfect persons in an imperfect world.
God expects us to be faithful at all times and in
prayer for body/mind/spirit health
and to use those health-care methodologies
we feel appropriate for our needs.