Our Redeemer's Blog

Ribbons of Hope

Ribbons of Hope for the New Year!

A Community Art Project 

As 2020 comes to a close, we look to 2021 with special hopes and prayers. 


What are your prayers and hopes for 2021? You are invited to tie ribbons symbolizing your prayers, your positivity and your hope for 2021 to the church construction fence to create Our Redeemer’s Community Art Project. Any kind or size of ribbon will do, written on or not. Prayer flags can be attached, too, but please no larger than a cookie sheet.


This is a temporary installation for us and our community. The construction fence represents the restrictions we have all been experiencing during COVID as well as the imagined separation between church and community. 

But all of us, whether church or community or both, share hopes for the future. Together our ribbons can transform the fence into something beautiful, memorable, prayerful, and joyful! 

When our renovation is complete, removing the fence will represent Our Redeemer’s openness and invitation to our whole neighborhood, to claim our new space as part of the community!


1. Everyone is invited to hang a ribbon or prayer flag that you provide, written on or not, on the fence. There is just one portion of the fence, on the corner of 24th Ave NW and NW 85th (by the permanent word sign). Look for the sign designating where the installation is.

2. Please maintain a 6’ distance from others when at the site.

3. Let us know if you need us to collect your ribbon and put it up for you. We will send you a photo of your ribbon attached to the fence when we are all finished. Email communications@ourredeemers.net to arrange.

4. Pastor Gretchen has extra 2 foot x 2″ satin ribbons in many colors if you need ribbons. Contact her to arrange: (206) 920-4768.

5. Remember to use a Sharpie or other waterproof ink if your ribbon/flag has writing or drawings.


Questions? Please email Debbie, our Communications Coordinator, at communications@ourredeemers.net.