Our Redeemer's Blog

Reconnecting! Through Our Sacred Stories

Sundays, 10 AM | Fellowship Hall (East)

We of Our Redeemer’s are finally in a moment of time when our faith community can once again worship together. We’ve waited for this a long while as COVID attached itself locally and globally and at the same time we remodeled our old building into a better space, in order to better welcome in the community and modernize the structure. 

Considering all this, a few of us thought an exciting adult class this year would be to share our personal spiritual journeys with one another (similar to what we do in the Journey new member process). We’ve been apart for long enough that reconnecting will be a joy, and a class like this will be a new adventure in building back our beloved community.

We believe this could happen by having two people a Sunday morning tell us about their faith journey. It might seem like a tall order to do so, as finding words for these deep stories is something to ponder, but we will provide prompts and suggestions about where you might begin. it will be all yours to tell and a joy for others to hear.

If you’d be willing to sign up for one of these sessions, please let Sally Parker-Henderson, wpainter26@yahoo.com, know which Sunday works for you. Dana Wright, Sally Parker- Henderson and Pastor Kathy Hawks will also share their journeys of faith. Join us to explore together our deep spiritual selves.
– Pastor Kathy, Sally Parker-Henderson, Dana Wright 

Our Redeemer’s Blog

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