Our Redeemer's Blog

Race & Reconciliation: Joining the Conversation

Sat, Oct 24 in Fellowship Hall

2 p.m.–5 p.m.

This workshop is an opportunity to explore our fall theme of Reconciliation as it relates to culture and race. All are welcome!

Our Redeemer’s is joining many communities in conversation about racial and cultural issues. Addressing cultural and racial divides is becoming more urgent due to increasing public awareness of violence against African American men and the Black Lives Matter movement.

The workshop will include Bible study and reflection. Bible study will provide an opportunity to explore how, as Christians, we are called to create intercultural community rooted in our commonalities and incorporation and expressing the gifts of our differences.

Shared reflection guided by mutual invitation and other activities will invite us to gain self-awareness by deepening our understanding of our own cultural values, and how our values influence our role in society.

Stacy Kitahata will be lead facilitator for the workshop. Stacy is the Program Director of the Krista Foundation for Global Citizenship. She is a community leader with a sustained commitment to fostering cultural competence and active faith. As an Associate with the Kaleidoscope Institute, she regularly facilitates intercultural competency training with an ecumenical consortium of Northwest churches and trainers.

Claire Smith, co-facilitator, is a Krista Colleague who volunteers as the Service Ethics coordinator at the Krista Foundation for Global Citizenship. She is part of a developing apprenticeship program to practice facilitating intercultural dialogue and learning. Prior to joining Krista, she had two years of service with Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest.

Joanne Wright, co-facilitator, has recently begun attending Our Redeemer’s. She has received training in cultural competence, and was a facilitator of a Conversation on Race at her former church for several years.