Our Redeemer's Blog

Pandemic Safety at Our Redeemer’s

It seems like every day there’s changing information about the pandemic – the Delta variant, vaccine boosters, masking requirements, and everything else. Adapting is exhausting to say the least, and as much as we dream this pandemic could be over, it clearly is not. As we have been and will continue to do, this team stays on the safe side of responding to what is required of churches and public places in Seattle and advising the church council.  As of this writing, on August 18, 2021, the following precautions are strongly recommended: 

1. At Our Redeemer’s, masks are always required indoors.

2. To participate in person at Our Redeemer’s, we assume you are fully vaccinated (if you are able to receive it). If you have chosen not to be vaccinated, we ask you join us virtually, and to refrain from participating in in-person events and services.

3. We will have daily contact tracing logs in the narthex for everyone who enters the building to sign in – name and phone number. In the event of a reported COVID case, we will contact everyone who was in the building on that day. These logs are not shared with anyone and are considered due diligence during this pandemic for our congregation. We are researching an expedited online sign-in process to be implemented as soon as we have it in hand. 

We are very aware that one of the most affected populations right now are children under the age of 12, and as such, are adjusting our programs accordingly as we go. Currently, we are offering hybrid faith formation classes. Our nursery will be available as long as it is safe to do so. If we decide it must be closed, that information will shared by email as soon as possible.

Thank you all so much for your continued patience with these shifting sands, and we pray for everyone’s health and safety, as we meet together to praise God with joy.

These guidelines were enacted on August 31.

Your Pandemic Transition Team: Pastor Gretchen Mertes, Sam Altenberger, Kim Ward Barowicz, Heather Cook, Barb Dougherty, Michael Hammett, Karie Stearns, and Julie Vannoy