Our Redeemer's Blog

Mustard Seeds: Children 0-4 years old

We’re starting a new tradition at Our Redeemers! Children from 0-4 years old now baptized and those who will be baptized in coming years, will receive a card on their baptism birthday to remember the day he/she joined God’s family in a formal way.

Ruth Hanley writes a blog called Mustard Seeds, and her article Remembering Baptism Anniversaries with Joy not Guilt is a good read. Families can get ideas on how to celebrate baptism anniversaries joyfully with the whole family by using water or light.

If you’re curious and want more information, take a look at the blog 

An example of a family ritual, one to be used during Lent, helps to prepare for the celebration of Easter. Before or after dinner, the family can sing this simple song to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”:


Jesus died on the cross,

On the cross, on the cross.

Jesus died on the cross,

To take away our sin.

Jesus died and rose again,

Rose again, rose again.

Jesus died and rose again,

So we can live with Him.


This may be followed with a short version of the Faith 5: share highs and lows of the day, thank God for the highs, ask God to be with us during lows, and then bless one another.

Traditions play an important part in a child’s life, and families with rich traditions help to support the faith formation of their children. We at Our Redeemers want to do all we can to support families in this endeavor!