We’re getting the church facilities ready for construction work on the building renovation. Here are some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about the move:
Q. Is the move moving ahead?
A. Yep. Staff and helpful others have already begun the tetris-like spring cleaning exercise of pulling everything out of all the offices, storage rooms, and other spaces, so we can:
Toss, recycle and give away what we don’t need.
Have staff take home what they will need to work there.
Assess whether what’s left can be stored in the spaces available for storage during construction. (Some rooms can’t be used that way, due to construction constraints.)
Try, as far as possible, to store things where we’d like them to stay when construction is complete.
Q. When does everything need to be out of the building?
A. August 15.
Q. What about big things like the hanging cross, that we will reuse in the finished building?
A. Our construction company, LZL, will store many such items for us off site.
Q. Will there be any kind of rummage sale for things the church isn’t keeping?
A. On AUGUST 8, 10am-2pm, in the church’s front yard, we will have a “Buy Nothing” sale, inviting people to take furniture, many books from Pastor Kathy, Pastor Gretchen, and the church library, and other things, for free. What remains after that will be donated to Goodwill.
Q. I would like a “green hymnal” (Lutheran Book of Worship) or a With One Voice hymnal. How can I get one?
A. We will have stacks of them at the “Buy Nothing” sale. If you can’t come that day, ask a friend to pick one up.