Summer Foodbank Drive: Bring Food All Summer Long!
We have a goal for our Summer Food Bank Drive – to collect and donate 750 pounds of food for the Ballard Food Bank! Help us meet this goal! All are encouraged to bring non-perishable food to each service you attend, and kid’s especially are invited to bring food to give during Kid’s Offering. We will collect non-perishable food all summer long and weigh the food to keep track progress towards our goal of 750 pounds! We are excited to continue supporting the essential food justice ministry work of the Ballard Food Bank.
Ballard Food Bank welcomes:
- Non-perishable, unopened cans and packages of food
- Fresh produce from your p-patch or garden, including vegetable starts
- Opened packages of cat & dog food are okay; same goes for hygiene items like shampoo & lotion
All Hands Needed for Sandwich Sunday
July 23 @ 11:10am
On Sunday July 23, bring your favorite sandwich fixins’ for Sandwich Sunday! All hands are needed to make over 400 sandwiches in 40 minutes for Peter’s Place, a drop in center in downtown Seattle. It is a joy to be able to work together to make people’s life better in such a tangible way. We will be building the sandwiches after the service at 11:10am.
God’s Work Our Hands: Clean Up Carkeek Park Trails
September 20 (tentative date)
The ELCA church has established September 10th as the date for the 2017 God’s Work Our Hands. We will all don our finest bright orange God’s Work Our Hands T-Shirts and go out as a congregation to work together with a goal of making our world a better place. From 9am-12pm Carkeek Park trail stewards will guide us in forest reforestation and trails maintenance. They will provide gloves and water and request that we all wear sturdy shoes and come prepared to work! People of all ages and abilities can help!
Interested in Social Justice? Save the date for the next social justice quarterly meeting and brunch potluck!
August 13th at 11:30am
All-call: if you have an interest in social justice issues in our community and worldwide, please save the date for the next Social Justice Quarterly Meeting & Brunch Potluck on Sunday, August 13th at 11:30am (after the 10am Summer worship). We will be voting on which organizations to direct Our Redeemer’s Benevolence giving towards, discussing current social justice ministries, and making plans for social justice activities moving forward. Bring a brunch dish to share, an open heart, and your passions for social justice!
Loving Our (Muslim) Neighbors | Potluck Update and Save the Date
August 20
We had a great time at the Interfaith Friendship Potluck in May. What a success! Seventeen of us attended from Our Redeemer’s, including a few children and families. The kids participated in crafts, we all filled our bellies with delicious food, and rich conversations were had amongst the many different faiths and backgrounds present at the potluck. Our Muslim neighbors are currently celebrating the month of Ramadan which is a time of spiritual reflection, improvement, increased devotion and worship with a special emphasis on fasting during daylight hours. The next potluck will be a big community BBQ Idris Mosque is hosting on Sunday August 20th – Save the Date!
Back to School Sales = Time to Purchase Lutheran World Relief School Kit Supplies!
Reminder: July and August are the best time to buy items for the Lutheran World Relief School Kits we assemble and send out in the Fall. This year we will be collecting pens, notebooks, rulers, erasers, crayons, and pencils. Purchase them while the back-to-school sales are hot!