Our Redeemer's Blog

Earth Day Adult Forum

“God’s Creation: Saving Wildlife from Trade”
Sunday, April 24, 10 AM | Fellowship Hall – presented by Sarah Uhlemann*

The Earth is facing an unprecedented extinction crisis: the UN predicts that a million species may go extinct in the coming decades unless we transform our relationship with nature. Habitat destruction and climate change are well-known threats, but wildlife trade is the second leading driver of extinction. This forum will discuss the global wildlife trade and some of the amazing creatures threatened by it – and what we can do to help. Please join in!


*Sarah Uhlemann is the International Program Director and Senior Attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity. She lead the organization’s international work including litigation, advocacy and international diplomacy to protect imperiled species outside U.S. borders. Before joining the Center, she was a staff attorney with the Humane Society of the United States. Sarah earned her law degree in 2005 from Lewis & Clark Law School and a bachelor’s in environmental management from Indiana University.