Our Redeemer's Blog

“Cancelling” Church, and Worshipping Together Anyway!

After a great deal of back and forth, Pastor Gretchen and I have decided to cancel worship services at the church tomorrow. It’s supposed to get down to 15 degrees tonight, and that means any wetness on the roads will freeze, and still be frozen tomorrow a.m. While some of us could make it if we have weather-worthy vehicles, it’s probably not safe or maybe even tempting for many of us to try.

HOWEVER, thanks to the marvels of technology, we CAN worship together! How? Pastor Gretchen is going to livestream the service from her home at 9AM Sunday, and we have a video of Pastor Niedner preaching the sermon he wrote when he thought he would be joining us this week-end.

All you need to do to participate is:

Let’s all tune in, so we can all worship safely together even though we aren’t in the same place.

Thank you for understanding! Stay safe, warm, and encompassed by God’s grace!

Pastor Kathy

Our Redeemer’s Blog

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