Our Redeemer’s Racial Justice Committee (a subgroup of the Social Justice Group) invites you to a discussion of the film ‘AGAINST ALL ODDS: The Fight for a Black Middle Class’ on Sunday, February 28th at 2 PM via Zoom. You can live stream and watch the movie (either by yourself or with your family) any time before February 28th. It is available (FREE) on the following website: “Chasing the Dream” (which is part of PBS) https://www.pbs.org/wnet/chasing-the-dream/films/against-all-odds/
Film description:
Have African-Americans had a fair shot at the American dream? Bob Herbert’s documentary film probes the harsh and often brutal discrimination that has made it difficult for African-Americans to establish a middle-class standard of living.
Please join us for an important discussion of this relevant and historical film (during Black History Month) on February 28th!
Join us Sunday, February 28th at 2 PM.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91749864931?pwd=TXdyY1RvRGpRZnBTQ1NBeTA5T2hXZz09
Meeting ID: 917 4986 4931
Passcode: film
Join by Phone Call: (206) 337-9723
Please contact Nancy Oldenkamp: nancy@oldenkamp.org or Marie Brissette: liebergm@gmail.com if you have any questions.