‘Field of Dreams’
by Pastor Gretchen
Thank you for being a part of Our Redeemer’s fundraiser auction “Field of Dreams”.
You can still pay or donate on BiddingOwl by going to the auction website, https://www.biddingowl.com/OurRedeemers. Scroll to the bottom of the page you go to and click on the “Donate” button and enter the amount to pay. You can use PayPal or choose to “donate with debit or credit card”.
If you want to donate online directly to Our Redeemer’s, go to https://ourredeemers.net/donate.
If you choose to give by check, please include a note about what the donation is for (silent, live or a straight-up donation) and don’t forget to send your check to our temporary address: 5306 Ballard Ave NW, Ste 226, Seattle, WA 98107.
We are moving our auction and festival online this year! From February 7-13, we will have a silent auction with baskets, experiences, classes and other goodies offered by our own members. You’d be amazed at the skills and talents we have to trade! On Saturday, February 13, we will have a one hour live auction and celebration, hosted by Pastor Gretchen and our own brilliant funnyman, Mr. Tim Hunter. There will be exciting items, fun games, and of course, some entertainment for us to experience together live on Zoom.
As you know, the auction is a fun, community building way for us to support the ministry and mission of our church family! As fundraising is key to our organization’s flourishing, it is important for everyone to contribute and participate in whatever way they can. There are so many ways to help – either by procuring an item, bidding on the fun, or by inviting their friends to participate!
Our auction will be hosted on “Bidding Owl” – a non-profit online auction page.
LINK: SILENT AUCTION (You will need to “register” by clicking at the table on top of the auction site. An email will be generated that you will have to open and click on to verify your BiddingOwl auction account before bidding on the site.)
The silent auction closes during the Live Event and Gala 7:00 PM Saturday 2/13.
When the silent auction closes the winners will receive an automated email notification to check out (your silent auction items only) by clicking on the word ‘HERE’. You will be taken to their bidding account where you can click on you shopping carts next to their ‘Winning Items’. You will be directed through the checkout process via PayPal.
LINK: LIVE AUCTION & GALA on Zoom (LINK), or Join by Phone Call: +1 (206) 337-9723, Meeting ID: 822 691 346
Our ‘Field of Dreams’ baseball – themed party will be at 7 PM on Saturday, February 13th. We encourage every member of our community to be a “Table Captain,” and invite your friends to a pre-party hangout / happy hour at 6:30 PM. You’ll have the opportunity to look over the live auction items, laugh with your friends, and connect your church life with the rest of your universe! Then join the big party at 7 PM and be ready to bid!
Be a Table Captain – Invite 8 friends to a private pre-party Zoom on February 13th. Everyone can do this! Contact Pastor Gretchen for more details.