Our Redeemer's Blog

Holy Week 2020 at Our Redeemer’s

Holy Week 2020 – The Journey to New Life

Re-living the Passion of Jesus…which is our story!

(How to connect online instructions, including bulletins for each service)

This year’s Holy Week will center simply and fully on the scriptural story of Jesus’ last days, crucifixion and resurrection. All our worship will be streamed, with simple in-home, hands-on ways to participate, except our 24-Hour Prayer Vigil, which will take place at home.

There are some simple things that we can use as part of our worship services together to make things more interactive and meaningful.  The tools you might consider finding around your house are as follows:

  • April 5 @ 11am – Palm Sunday – Enter Jerusalem with Jesus!
    • You will need a branch or leaf. If you have a palm branch – GREAT! But if not, any branch will do.  We will also be celebrating Holy Communion, so have your bread and festive beverage ready to participate.
  • April 9 – Maundy Thursday – Share Jesus’ Last Supper and a New Commandment.
    • Your invited to join us for Maundy Thursday via Zoom: https://zoom.us/join
      Meeting ID: 985 206 805 | Password: 116242
      Or by Phone: +1 669 900 9128
    • 6pm | Dinner together online! Join us on Zoom with whatever you’re eating, from your own dining room table, and we’ll all eat together!
    • 7pm | Following dinner, we’ll transition to a brief service of Holy Communion, confession and song. The service ends in darkness and silence, so please be in a space that is conducive to that.
  • April 10 – Good Friday – two ways to participate.
    • Listen to Jesus on the Cross. During the day, you are invited to listen to the Faure Requiem, available at this link.
    • 7pm | We will worship together with the service provided by our synod online.
      Meeting ID: 856 764 530 | Password: 866725
      Phone:  +1 669 900 9128

      We will join others from our synod at a Service of Tenebrae (shadows) which include Jesus’ seven last words from the cross. The synod link is www.LutheransNW.org/HolyWeek. To enhance your participation, try and find seven candles, and a room that will be dark when the candles are out.  They are extinguished one at a time, throughout the service.

  • April 12 – Easter Sunday @11am – Rise with Jesus!
    • We will be worshipping virtually with our whole synod, with our Bishop, Shelley Bryan Wee, preaching.
    • Meeting ID: 822 691 346
    • 11am | We will worship together with elements of our own worship service, together with some elements of the service provided by our synod via Zoom.
    • Participants will celebrate Holy Communion together, and we encourage everyone to have a colorful “Alleluia!” displayed in their homes (consider this great alleluia coloring sheet to create yours).

(How to connect online instructions and bulletins for each service)

Each of these simple things will enhance our worship experience together.  Of course, if they’re not handy, it’s no big deal – come as you are!

Your offerings are appreciated. Thank you.