Saturday, November 18, 9 AM - 4 PM | St. Andrews, Bellevue In an age of declining church resources, how do we re-imagine what it means to be Church created […]
There is one service today only.
Join us on November 19th at 12:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall for an Old Fashioned Lutheran Potluck to bid Gretchen and her family farewell.
Our Redeemers continues to prioritize making sure all our neighbors get a good meal through serving monthly with the Ballard Sunday Dinner every 3rd Sunday. It takes many hands and […]
Tuesdays, 7-8pm | ZOOM This is a year-long, Synod-wide weekly Bible Study that takes participants on a deeper dive into the coming Sunday’s Lectionary text. Participants will have the chance […]
On Thanksgiving Day, we prepare a community meal to share with our neighbors, many of whom are experiencing hunger or homelessness. With a spirit of thankfulness, we welcome everyone to […]