Women’s Retreat – “Finding Hope”
Friday – Sunday May 3-5 | Seabeck Conference Center, Hood Canal
Register: https://rebrand.ly/pytax06
Isn’t it time for you to build new relationships and deepen existing ones within your community of women? You are invited to Seabeck Conference Center on Hood Canal this May 3-5. Enjoy views of the Olympic mountains, good food, comfortable beds, and trails and beaches! Pastor Deanna Wildermuth, a fun and personable retired Lutheran pastor, is our guest speaker!
Anyone who identifies as female is It will be a time of building community, digging deeper, and finding inspiration in God and one another. The theme is “Finding Hope”. The cost is $290 for the entire weekend (full or partial scholarships available by request). A $58 deposit due at time of registration. Paper registration forms are available in church office or fill out a Google form: https://rebrand.ly/pytax06. Please pay a deposit by check to the main office or through online giving on Our Redeemer’s website and choose “Other” and designate “Women’s Retreat”. Questions? Contact Mandy Neill, welcome@ourredeemers.net or Connie Sandstrom, conniesandstrom05@gmail.com.