Our staff have been working HARD since the beginning of the pandemic to reshape all worship, community, meetings, communication, and ministries so everyone can continue to participate. Add to that preparations to vacate and clear out the building for renovation, and you have a lot of new and challenging work. As a result, the pastors and most staff members will be taking 2 weeks off starting Sunday, 8/16. (This time is not in addition to allowed vacation time.)
Services will be videotaped and streamed at 11am on Sunday’s, with the same Zoom opportunities to share the peace and have virtual coffee hour. Our own retired pastor, Joshua Liljenstolpe, is preaching today, and Assistant to the Bishop Andy Yee will preach on 8/23. “Live” online service resumes on 8/30. It will be a Healing Service.
Pastor Elise Scott (803) 944-7006 will provide pastoral care coverage for emergencies. You can still reach the church by emailing office@ourredeemers.net or by calling 206.783.7900, as we will be checking for messages during the two weeks the church is closed.